
Siebel | Sensory Training Kit | Essential Off-Flavor


Item #: 61812
Weight: 2LBS
Availability: In Stock


The Essential Off-Flavor Kit contains 6 of the most frequently encountered off-flavors common to beers of all styles. Each vial allows for spiking 1 liter of beer.

Visit the Siebel Sensory Station YouTube channel for a complete library of instructional and tasting videos.

Flavors Included:

  • Contamination - sour & buttery
  • D.M.S. - cooked corn, cooked vegetables
  • Diacetyl - butter, butterscotch
  • Isovaleric acid - cheesy, old hops, sweaty socks
  • Papery - cardboard, oxidized
  • H2S - Sulphidic, Rotten Eggs


Product Specifications